April 13, 2012
Efficient mining permitting process is a critical step for minerals development
President Obama recently filed a challenge with the World Trade...
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Over the weekend, National Mining Association (NMA) President and CEO Hal Quinn attended the Nevada Mining Association Convention to speak about the regulatory inefficiencies that are hindering domestic mining projects across the country. As reported by MineWeb, Quinn explained that the length of review in the U.S.—seven to 10 years—poses a challenge for the mining and manufacturing sectors as it deters mineral production and a steady domestic supply chain.
“The most persistent challenge U.S. mining faces is a domestic regulatory bureaucracy that resembles ‘a third-world permitting system,’ Quinn asserted. The regulatory bureaucracy is partly responsible for the decline of the global ranking of U.S. mining production to seventh.
The U.S. permitting system is ‘a formula of inefficiencies, duplications and lack of capital’ in which it normally takes 7 to 10 years to permit a mine, Quinn suggested, observing that other countries with strong environmental ethics can permit a mining project within two to three years.‘Never mistake the length of review for [U.S. mining permit applications] for the rigor of the review,’ Quinn said.”
Quinn remains optimistic about the future of U.S. mining and sees 2015 as “a make or break year” for regulatory reform. To this point, in late July, the House Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources held an oversight hearing on critical minerals encouraging the Senate to take up legislation that will bolster America’s national and economic security, create jobs, and reduce America’s reliance on foreign countries. With continued pushes for reform, Quinn feels that the current Congress “will solve more problems” and will get rid of the redundant and duplicative delays and restrictions.
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