October 22, 2015
NMA’s Hal Quinn: Mine Permitting Reform Necessary for Industries
National Mining Association’s (NMA) president and CEO, Ha...
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Rep. Mark Amodei’s (R-Nev.) bill, “The National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production Act of 2015” passed in the House last week. In his recent statement, National Mining Association (NMA) President and CEO Hal Quinn states that “NMA applauds the House for passing this bi-partisan legislation that carefully addresses the inefficiencies of our underperforming permitting system.”
The U.S. is home to $6.2 trillion worth of mineral resources, but onerous delays prevent the U.S. mining industry from operating at its full potential. Quinn explains, “A lengthy and duplicative federal permitting process discourages investment and jeopardizes the growth of downstream industries, high-wage jobs and technological innovation that all depend on a secure and reliable mineral supply chain.”
The bill put forth by Rep. Amodei will ensure, according to Quinn, “permitting becomes smarter, efficient and more accountable,” ultimately bringing our “mine permitting system into the 21st century.” Specifically, the critical minerals bill will modernize the permitting process with improved collaboration between federal and local government agencies, and it will remove unnecessary delays. The changes will facilitate timely access to resources, which, in turn, will open the doors for local and state economic benefits. Having a reliable domestically-sourced mineral supply chain stimulates job creation, economic growth, and more broadly, allows the mining industry to provide the necessary resources we require for applications ranging from building our infrastructure—like roads and bridges—to developing innovative and lifesaving technology such as medical equipment.
Quinn points out that “America’s manufacturing CEOs have recognized that using our country’s minerals responsibly and efficiently is a national priority for strengthening our manufacturing base and the jobs it provides.” The House passing this legislation is the first step to helping U.S. industries achieve their full potential as a result of a more efficient, reliable mine permitting system that provides timely access to the mineral resources they need.
Read the full NMA press release here.