Mining Ranks High in Productivity Study

Posted on March 24, 2014 by Minerals Make Life

A new study by the London-based iOpener Institute for People and Performance shows that miners are among the most productive and happiest workers in the world.

Looking at more than 30,000 professionals from a range of industries, the research concluded that there are significant differences in personal productivity levels depending on the industry sector and country. For example, while miners spend 62.1 percent of their time on task (time that workers are actively producing tangible and relevant contributions to their organizations), those employed in the biotechnology sector spend only 53.2 percent of their time on task.

Jessica Pryce-Jones, CEO of iOpener Institute and author of Happiness at Work – Maximizing Your Psychological Capital for Success, says, “Those in mining can ascertain how they measure up when compared to their sector and country averages, and tailor their productivity initiatives accordingly.” She also notes that while mining can be proud of its standing, “there is still room for further improvement, particularly as rising costs and supply and demand imbalances make for a challenging market.”

People are the core of U.S. minerals mining — the employees whose dedication and expertise define the mining workforce. Nothing is more important to U.S. minerals mining than the safety and well-being of its workers. With the adoption of CORESafety®, we are able to create healthy and safe workplace environments using a management system that involves leadership, management and assurance.

We are very proud that mining is ranked among the happiest and most productive industry sectors in the world. Share your mining experience with us in the comments below!