Guest Post

Guest post: Minerals: The bedrock of Nevada and our nation’s economy

June 21, 2013

As the largest mineral producer in the United States, Nevada &m...

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Guest post: The value of mining in Arizona

June 18, 2013

Without minerals, we would not have electricity, food, or shelter...

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Hal Quinn: A positive global outlook for 2013 minerals mining

February 04, 2013

Earlier this week, NMA held a press briefing at which I presented...

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Guest post: Virginia’s minerals mean jobs

January 14, 2013

As a geologist, I am keenly aware that all of us depend on a wi...

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The Alaska Department of Natural Resources holds 2nd annual strategic and critical minerals summit

January 11, 2013

The United States now imports 100 percent of 19 key mineral mater...

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