Good Neighbor

STEM Education Today Shapes Tomorrow’s Mining Innovation

August 28, 2015

NMA sees the importance of education every day through the inno...

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Alaska Mayor Says Communities are “Fortunate” To Have Mining

July 17, 2015

Earlier this week, Mayor Merrill Sanford of Juneau, Alaska, com...

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Nevada Community Reflects on Mining’s Important Contributions

June 10, 2015

For the residents of Elko, Nev., mining is a way of life for al...

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NMA Celebrates National Safety Month

June 03, 2015

National Mining Association (NMA) recognizes its inherent respo...

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NMA Recognizes STEM Education’s Role in Scientific and Technological Innovations

May 06, 2015

Here at the National Mining Association (NMA), we understand ho...

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Take a Stand for Miners Today Take Action