April 19, 2012
American innovation impacted by mineral import reliance
Forbes.com published an op-ed yesterday by Gary Shapiro, presiden...
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Sunday, Feb. 23, marked the official closing ceremony of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. As the world watched, spectators were awed by the exciting events broadcast across the globe. Not only do the Olympic Games bring the world’s top athletes together, they also bring a fusion of science and technology to the international stage. Since 776 BC, the year of the first recorded Olympic Games, minerals have always played a crucial role helping athletes accomplish their feats and rewarding the victors. While the ancient Greeks were confined to the use of clay, copper, bronze and iron, and today’s games use an extensive quantity of minerals.
The minerals used by the Olympic organizers for the 2014 games include nearly every element on the Periodic Table. From the fireworks at the opening and closing ceremonies to the daily functions of the Olympic Village, minerals play a central role. Here are just a few mineral facts from this year’s games:
Were it not for these minerals, the 2014 Winter Olympics would be missing the vital elements that allow for and highlight the successes of the world’s most talented athletes. As we continue to fuse science and technology together on an international scale, we must remember that streamlined access to U.S. minerals will help the U.S. remain at the forefront of global innovation.