House Natural Resources Committee approves H.R. 761

Posted on May 15, 2013 by Minerals Make Life

The House Natural Resources Committee today approved the “National Strategic and Critical Minerals Production of 2013” (H.R. 761). The bill, sponsored by Rep. Mark Amodei (N.M.-02), was approved by a bi-partisan vote of 24-17.

The bill will allow the United States to more efficiently develop our nation’s strategic and critical minerals. It will streamline the permitting process, which can take between seven and 10 years, for mineral development by coordinating the actions of federal agencies. It also establishes definitions for critical and strategic minerals.

Hal Quinn, president and CEO of the National Mining Association, applauded the House Natural Resources Committee for passing the bill, which Quinn said will reverse a 30-year trend of increasing import reliance for minerals we have here at home.

Quinn also added, “This bi-partisan legislation carefully and credibly addresses the shortcomings of our outdated and underperforming permitting system within the framework of the environmental and other protections provided by current laws and regulations. By incorporating best practices and coordination between federal and state agencies, H.R.761 provides for efficient, timely and thorough permit reviews needed to sustain a secure and reliable domestic mineral supply chain.”

Read the full press release here.

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